
2010年7月2日 星期五

[網站] www.zamzar.com 線上轉檔 網站(包含圖片、音樂、影片、文件、壓縮檔)

只要 輕鬆四個步驟,電腦不用安裝軟體。
  1. 選擇你要轉換的檔案,  限制 100MB 內。
  2. 選擇你想要轉換的格式。
  3. 輸入你的 E-mail  
  4. 按下 Convert 轉檔。
真的是很方便,現在的網路速度都夠快,所以傳100MB 的話時間也不會太久,而且支援超多的轉檔格式,不用在電腦安裝很多的轉檔程式。


From format To format
csv - Comma Separated Values doc - Microsoft Word Document
html - Hypertext Markup Language
mdb - Microsoft Access Database
ods - OpenDocument spreadsheet
pdf - Portable Document Format
rtf - Rich text format
xls - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
xml - Extensible Markup Language
doc - Microsoft Word Document html - Hypertext Markup Language
odt - OpenDocument Text Document
pcx - Paintbrush Bitmap Image
pdf - Portable Document Format
png - Portable Network Graphic
ps - Postscript document
txt - Text document
odp - OpenDocument presentation html - Hypertext Markup Language
pcx - Paintbrush Bitmap Image
pdf - Portable Document Format
png - Portable Network Graphic
ppt - Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation
ps - Postscript document
ods - OpenDocument spreadsheet csv - Comma Separated Values
doc - Portable Network Graphic
html - Hypertext Markup Language
mdb - Microsoft Access Database
pdf - Portable Document Format
rtf - Rich Text format
xls - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
xml - Extensible Markup Language
odt - OpenDocument Text Document doc - Microsoft Word Document
html - Hypertext Markup Language
pdf - Portable Document Format
png - Portable Network Graphic
ps - Postscript document
txt - Text document
pdf - Portable Document Format doc - Microsoft Word Document
html - Hypertext Markup Language
odt - OpenDocument Text Document
pcx - Paintbrush Bitmap Image
png - Portable Network Graphic
ps - Postscript document
rtf - Rich Text Format
txt - Text document
ppt - Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation html - Hypertext Markup Language
odp - OpenDocument presentation
pcx - Paintbrush Bitmap Image
pdf - Portable Document Format
png - Portable Network Graphic
ps - Postscript document
ps - Postscript document bmp - Windows bitmap
gif - Compuserve graphics interchange
jpg - JPEG compliant image
thumbnail - Thumbnail image
tiff - Tagged image file format
rtf - Rich Text Format doc - Microsoft Word Document
pcx - Paintbrush Bitmap Image
png - Portable Network Graphic
ps - Postscript document
txt - Text document
xls - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet csv - Comma Separated Values
html - Hypertext Markup Language
mdb - Microsoft Access Database
ods - OpenDocument spreadsheet
pcx - Graphics format
pdf - Portable Document Format
ps - Postscript document
rtf - Rich text format
xml - Extensible Markup Language 

Image formats 
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From format To format
bmp - Windows bitmap gif - Compuserve graphics interchange
jpg - JPEG compliant image
ps - Postscript document
thumbnail - Thumbnail image
tiff - Tagged image file format
gif - Compuserve graphics interchange bmp - Windows bitmap
jpg - JPEG compliant image
ps - Postscript document
thumbnail - Thumbnail image
tiff - Tagged image file format
jpg - JPEG compliant image bmp - Windows bitmap
gif - Compuserve graphics interchange
ps - Postscript document
thumbnail - Thumbnail image
tiff - Tagged image file format
tiff - Tagged image file format bmp - Windows bitmap
gif - Compuserve graphics interchange
jpg - JPEG compliant image
pdf - Adobe document
ps - Postscript document
thumbnail - Thumbnail image 

Music formats 
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From format To format
ac3 - AC3 Audio File aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
au - AU Audio File
mp3 - Compressed audio file
m4a - Compressed video file
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
au - AU Audio File aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
ac3 - AC3 Audio File
mp3 - Compressed audio file
m4a - Compressed video file
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
ac3 - AC3 Audio File
au - AU Audio File
mp3 - Compressed audio file
m4a - Compressed video file
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
m4a - Compressed video file aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
wma - Windows media file
mp3 - Compressed audio file aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
m4a - Compressed video file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
wma - Windows media file
wav - Windows audio file aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
m4a - Compressed video file
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wma - Windows media file
wma - Windows media file aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
m4a - Compressed video file
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file 

Video formats 
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From format To format
avi - Windows video file 3gp - 3GPP Multimedia File
aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
ac3 - AC3 Audio File
amr - Adaptive Multi-Rate ACELP Codec
au - AU Audio File
flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec
flv - Flash Video
gif - Graphic Interchange Format
mmf - Synthetic Music Mobile Application Format
mov - Apple QuickTime Movie
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
mpg - Moving Picture Experts Group File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
flv - Flash video 3gp - 3GPP Multimedia File
aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
ac3 - AC3 Audio File
avi - Windows video file
flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec
gif - Graphic Interchange Format
mov - Apple QuickTime Movie
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
mpg - Moving Picture Experts Group File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
gvi - Google video file aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
avi - Windows video file
flv - Flash Video
gif - Graphic Interchange Format
mov - Apple QuickTime Movie
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
mpg - Moving Picture Experts Group File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
mov - Apple QuickTime Movie 3gp - 3GPP Multimedia File
aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
ac3 - AC3 Audio File
au - AU Audio File
avi - Windows video file
flv - Flash Video
gif - Graphic Interchange Format
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
mpg - Moving Picture Experts Group File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File 3gp - 3GPP Multimedia File
aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
ac3 - AC3 Audio File
avi - Windows video file
flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec
flv - Flash Video
gif - Graphic Interchange Format
mmf - Synthetic Music Mobile Application Format
mov - Apple QuickTime Movie
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mpg - Moving Picture Experts Group File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
mpg - Moving Picture Experts Group File 3gp - 3GPP Multimedia File
aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
ac3 - AC3 Audio File
amr - Adaptive Multi-Rate ACELP Codec
avi - Windows video file
flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec
flv - Flash Video
mmf - Synthetic Music Mobile Application Format
mov - Apple QuickTime Movie
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file
wmv - Windows Media Video 3gp - 3GPP Multimedia File
aac - Advanced Audio Coding File
ac3 - AC3 Audio File
au - AU Audio File
avi - Windows video file
flv - Flash Video
gif - Graphic Interchange Format
mov - Apple QuickTime Movie
mp3 - Compressed audio file
mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File
mpg - Moving Picture Experts Group File
ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
wav - Windows audio file  




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